The day is June 1st 2013, it's a beautiful day, I was up at 4 am to get my family ready for a big day. My daughter is heading to L.A. with her orchestra to compete. We are all packed and head out to the competition. After we arrived, we scope up the competition to see how good they are and they are very good. My daughters group have their work cut out for them. Now is their turn, entrance was perfect, positioning are on the spot, the music is excellent, no mistake, no inconsistency, and flawless performance.
Onto Disneyland for the ceremony, this is where bad things began. The notion or the promotion of Disney that they are the happiest place on earth are exaggerated. Although the characters that put on the show are friendly and sweet, the staff, on the other hand, are quiet the opposite. The STAFF, let's talk about them, are the most power tripping, inconsiderate, self centered, annoying, humiliating bunch of people I met.
Let me tell you about the power tripping first, so there we are at Big Thunder Ranch at around 6 pm, getting ready to go in for the ceremony, a couple of staff was pulling and pushing students to get them in line to go in, I ask the staff why is he doing that, and he said, to get them in quicker, we all know they shouldn't be doing that. Now we are heading in to the stage area and they have these green tape lined up and different area, there are no chairs for student to sit and they are expected to sit on the ground ( a multi billion dollar company that can't even provide seats to students to have a proper ceremony ), many of the parent are there for their student, and many of the student are there for the first time, and almost all of those students and family only going to have this celebration once in their lifetime. Now with that in mind, lets dive in the problem. There I was taking video of one of the most important event in my daughters life, if you have children, you know what this means to you and your family, and I was beside the authoritative green line, not in it but beside it, the only spot where I can get a proper video without heads on them. First a staff approach me telling me to get in to the green line, I did not respond, she left, then another came, a different staff, telling me to get in to the green line, I did not respond, then a lady in a tacky clothes, trying to look professional approach me and tell me a whole spill that we have to be inside the green line for protection and safety ( protection for what? and safety for what? ), I ignored her. Then there is guy that approach me telling me to get into the green line, I ask him, why do I have to be in the green line? Here is his answer " we need you in the green line because for safety issue, in case of emergency and its for fire safety" , in my mind I said , emergency crew are about 5-10 minutes away and in case for fire, those tape on the floor won't stop 300 + student from rampaging out the gate, is this guy's delusional?.
There again in the ceremony, I was trying to get as much video as I can to keep some memories for my daughters achievements, and I was standing just a step away from the green line, there a lady approach me again and told me to step in the green line, then I ask her " how many times in a persons life are they going to have this kind of event?" then I told here " this is a once in a lifetime event for my daughter and she's ruining it by interrupting my video, and the video is all over the place because of her", then she left, again this trying to look professional lady comes explaining all the stuff about me standing one inches away from their green line, I ignored her. I am about to the end of my temper after she approach so I stop video taping and went with my wife outside to cool off. Outside, I encounter this guy staff member, with his heavy chubby build, white shirt, black pants, spike hair, wired up self, kept asking me if I was staring at him. First time he ask, I said no, then he ask again, a bit more aggressive, I said no, then he ask for the third time, with a full notion of " I see that no one is here and your staring at me, do you have a problem with me?", then I said, "I'm not staring at you, and why would I stare at you?" , if my son hadn't come and made me smile, I would have express all my steam out of him in a very uncomfortable way, he is a very lucky person at that time. When I looked back at his direction, he had left. That conclude that first problem.
Inconsideration is very bad for your business especially if your in a customer service business. The staff saw me as an adult and yet treat me like a little kid. Get in that green line, get in that green line, you must be in the green line, we need you to be in that green line, what is with this green line that would protect everyone in that place? The answer is, NOTHING. Just the feeling for the staff to tell other people what to do and making them obey it or else, you know, that feeling of supremacy. As the supervisor of that event, he/she should have consider not only the safety but also the feelings of these family that travelled a long distance just to be in their kids performance and ceremony. Most of these parents and students came all the way from Oregon and Texas, most of these families have these event once in their life, most of these families can only record these events once and would like it to be memorable and most of these families would like a little consideration. NONE was given at that time, NONE, the staff at Big Thunder Ranch are cold and bitter, no compassion, no consideration, no empathy. They should all be replace or retrained or reprimand.
Self centered, annoying, and humiliating is the best way to describe all the person I encounter at that event. They enjoy interrupting people and making a scene which make them the so called hero. Hero of what? Hero of their self indulgence, hero of their pride or hero of nothing?
Here's a thought, the facade is awesome and people dig it, the place look happy and entertaining, but the place would be loosing hell of allot of money because the inside workers are rotten to the core. Disney need to take a retraining, anger management and customer service pill to these bunch or people moving forward. The rides are awesome and place are awesome, but the experience is disappointing. Spending a lot of money to have this once in a lifetime experience is very disheartening because it was not worth it. I could have bought a whole year pass on Sea World, Wild Animal Park, San Diego Zoo, Science Museum and Birch Aquarium for a family of FIVE on the money I spent just to be in Disney Park. With that I could have enjoyed with my family and help the charity at the same time, not only that, Sea World, Wild Animal Park, San Diego Zoo, Science Museum and Birch Aquarium have outstanding customer service and helpful staff.
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